Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) is purposefully selected as the base Operating System to obtain supports from Ubuntu for a long duration (till Apr 2019).
Ease of use
It is packed with featured security tools and a higher degree of stability.
Open Source
Thanks to Back Track, Kali, Blackbuntu, CAINE and DEFT and many others for inspiration.
If your a hobbyist and your looking for a OS to test with, and use as your main OS, this is the way to go. BlackBuntu also comes with LibreOffice, RythymBox, and Firefox and a full suite of other programs.
Because this is Ubuntu based, almost every device and hardware would just work, which is great as it wastes less time troubleshooting and more time working.
Like BlackBuntu 14.04 is based off Kali, here you will find Blackbuntu 10.10, which was based off Back Track.
Original Brought to you by: c1ph3r
BlackBuntu Tools
Information Gathering,
Network Mapping,
Vulnerability Identification,
Privilege Escalation
Maintaining Access
Radio Network Analysis
VoIP Analysis
Digital Forensic
Reverse Engineering
Miscellaneous section